Jethmi Guest House, Anuradhapura

Jethmi Guest House

single, double and Triple bed rooms can be arranged with meals if custormer wants.Nature loving area you can relax perfectly as you want.Living Room with sofa,Kitchen with dining Room and also cooking facilities also availabale.We speake your language and there to any helpThankes...     Rental rates:rate detaile can discuss futher meet upClick on images to enlargeTo book/reserve please contact:Name: sarathEmail: thilininadeekapiyasena@gmail.comTel: 0777070836 / 025 -2237565

Tel: 0777070836 / 025 -2237565
Price: Rs. 1,750 to Rs.3,000 Per Day
Sleep: 15
Jethmi Guest House, Anuradhapura
Jethmi Guest House, Anuradhapura
Jethmi Guest House, Anuradhapura
Jethmi Guest House, Anuradhapura
Jethmi Guest House, Anuradhapura
Jethmi Guest House, Anuradhapura
Jethmi Guest House, Anuradhapura


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